Link garden #1
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Blog posts
Less screaming into less void by Aria Stewart. Great article about how expectations and goals can set us up for a failure. It basically sums up my journey of trying to promote myself and always unsuccessfully. Which is why I decided to join the IndieWeb—I now want to do something for myself and because it brings me joy.
NSFW on the IndieWeb by Paul Watson. I'm really looking forward to see more 'NSFW' art on the IndieWeb, it holds such a great potential for long censored and devalued forms of art to thrive and be destigmatized, especially for my fellow queer creators.
Digital Garden Terms of Service by swyx. I'm not sure I'm implementing the idea of a digital garden right now, but it does seem interesting!
Define Women! And Other Patriarchal Instructions by Sara Ahmed.
Creating Joy in the User Experience by Dave on Design.
The Intersection of liberal arts and Technology by Damien Erambert.
Why are websites embarrassing? and Reckoning by Robin Rendle.
Chaos with a Spreadsheet by Ash Huang. On the joy of drafting chaotically and unpredictably.
Careening toward a meaningless world by Harold Jarche.
Being a dick by Johan Halse. On using slurs.
Hey Google, what happened to all the fun? by shane tully.
Social Attention: a modest prototype in shared presence by Matt Webb.
- A Little Landscape Toy by Potch.
- Cascading Solar System by Noah Liebman.
- Human Connection Protocol by Eliseo Martelli.
I adore the designs of these blogs!
- Rafal Pastuszak, a visual artist.
- Mia Rabbit, photo diary of a petite rabbit by Arielle Nadel.
- Full Moon Fiber Art by Maria Wulf.
- Alistair Shepherd, a web developer.
- The HTML Review, edited by Maxwell Neely-Cohen and Shelby Wilson.
- Ana Rodrigues, a front-end developer.
The World Is Not Ending by Sophie From Mars. Explores how doomerism is basically capitalistic propaganda.
Who’s Afraid of Modern Art: Vandalism, Video Games, and Fascism by Jacob Geller.
In Defence of Walking Simulators by Pixel a Day.
The Importance of Inconvenience by MecklesFrog.